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Water Power is a Free Resource of Energy For Us

Mankind is trying to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in order to save the environment, but to do this we need reliable sources of power.


Solar and wind power are both known as intermittent sources of electricity due to the fact that solar PV panels work well only during the day and manly during the sunny days of the summer.


At the same time, wind turbines can work day and night, but only if the wind blows with enough speed to rotate the turbines.

Due to these shortcomings, wind and solar power can't replace fossil fuels as the main sources of energy on the planet, at least not yet.


Reliable Sources of Clean Electricity


On planet Earth, we have other forms of renewable energy that are both clean and reliable.

Water is a natural and renewable resource on the planet, and all sources of water available (in the oceans, but also in rivers) can be used as a reliable source of clean electricity for us.




To harness the potential energy present in our rivers, we have to build dams and hydroelectric power stations to turn the energy of the moving or falling water into clean electricity.


Using a huge water reservoir and a dam, the hydropower station can start producing energy in a matter of minutes, and this way becomes a reliable source of power for the grid.


In several countries, hydroelectric power stations represent a reliable source of power for the grid, and their service is mainly used during peak demand on the grid.


Tidal power


Tides in our oceans are considered renewable but also reliable and predictable sources of energy because we have four tides every day, and the amount of energy that can be produced can be calculated by engineers even before building the tidal power station.


The problem with the current technology used to harness the power of the tides is created by its reduced efficiency and the impact on the environment.


Tidal turbines do not release harmful emissions into water or the atmosphere when producing energy.


However, marine life passing near the turbine can be harmed or even killed in the process, and that is the reason why future tidal turbines need to feature a huge hole in the middle of the rotor.


The hole would be used by marine life to escape the rotating pales of the turbine.


Wave power


The power of the waves is another form of renewable and reliable source of electricity for the grid.


Waves in our oceans are produced by the wind, which is a renewable resource produced by the Sun.


The Sun will be here for at least another 5 billion years, so until we have the Sun, the atmosphere and water on the planet, the potential energy in the waves will always represent a clean and free source of renewable energy for us.




The power of the water is the only source of renewable energy available for us, that is both clean and reliable, and in some cases even predictable.


If dams are affecting wildlife and the entire structure of a river, a wave power station can work day and night for several decades in the ocean without harming the environment, but producing huge amounts of clean electricity for the grid.