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Using Press Releases To Promote Your Company

Writing a press release can be very useful, especially for small businesses because this way, companies can get promotion using free media coverage.

What is a press release and what should you write to create a successful press release?

The most important thing in this case, is to write something new or newsworthy regarding your business, a related event, scientific study, discovery, etc.

Doesn't matter what industry you work in, when promoting your company through press releases, you have to write about something new in your business, a new technique or a new product.

Never write your press release for self-promotion, instead keep your writing informative and fresh to be very attractive to journalists that will pick it up to write about it on their own websites.

People that will read your press release will be interested to find news about the new technique or the new product presented, and will also be interested how this technique or product can help them and why they should learn more about it.

Ways to promote your company using press releases

The main goal of a press release is to promote something new that can attract the interest of the media.

1. Write your press release as part of your SEO marketing campaign

When writing your press release to go along with your marketing campaign, you wanna make sure you pay special attention to your keywords. You have to use your main keywords in the title and the first paragraph.

You can place up to three anchor links to specific pages on your website, which will help bring people back to your page.

Posting your press release through a distribution network can help to get some publicity for your press release.

Pay special attention to the title of your press release because a well optimized title can get you picked up search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

This can be then found by people searching for information in your field.

2. Support a blogger that can use your press release as background material

Another way to promote your business with a press release is by submitting your press release to a blogger that writes about topics in your field.

This way you can help them by providing professionally written custom content, but they can help you by spreading the word about you and your business.

3. Promote your press release as an expert on the topic

Creating your press release by positioning yourself or a staff member as an expert on the topic, is a technique that helps to promote you as a credible source on the topic, which will boost your exposure.

You can also share your press release on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Your press release will give informative materials to all the people in your field, and by using a non-target pitch that can pull in readers and get a story written about your business.

Bloggers can also promote your press release, which will generate even more exposure to the website of your company.